Whether you are running a small business or a small one, marketing is important to bring out who you are to the society. You are not the only one who is doing the same service or manufacturing the similar products in the field. So, you have to have clear marketing strategies and methods to do. It’s not all about how expensive it was but how far it was effective. We came up with some cost effective and simple marketing ideas for you. Take a look!
Give away some free stuff
One easy way to attract a lot of customers is to give some free stuff with your products. When you are fresh to the field and want to promote your products you can easily give some free things so your customers will come drooling because everyone loves t get free gifts. Say you are running an eatery and you want to promote your burgers, then you can drive a food truck or have a sale outdoors. Likewise this can be a great way to promote your products.
Online advertising
There are so many websites that will help you with online advertising. Some of them will require a small payment while other websites will be totally free. You can also check for online directories because many find this easy to get all information required on the companies and services they want.
Help the charity
This doesn’t mean that you have to show off yourself helping the charity but you can simply organize a small event for such causes. Whether you are donating money, equipment or helping with their daily needs you can always encourage others to join in with you. This campaigning will naturally increase brand awareness and give you much attention. For an example you can extend your healthcare marketing by simply donating medicines, health care equipment and hygienic products to the needy.
Organizing corporate functions
Whether you want to simply give a memorable experience to your customers or you want to launch your new website/product or service you can always organize this event. It’s important that focus on your key goals andplan everything according to that. Locations too will differ from your objective and budget. It’s important that you maintain the quality of your customers by focusing on entertaining the target audience. They can carry a better image of you and also you will be able to please them better than entertaining a larger crowd.
Social media events
When talking about corporate events, the latest way to invite all your guests is to create a social media event. Surely you might be having your company’s own website which makes things even easier. You can also give it a little publicity by distributing brochures and by putting up banners but networking it is the easiest and it’s totally free! Plus you know how far your message can spread so you have a lot of ups in this method.